Sunday, May 3, 2020

An Interview With COVID-19

CS: Good morning and thanks for meeting with us through Zoom.

CV: Sure...I wish it was in person...

CS: Yeah, we don' lets get started...where did you come from?

CV: Ahhh getting right to the heart of the're talking about some rumors...

CS: Are they true?

CV: You mean that I was created in a lab passed from vial to vial, animal to animal then back to a vial and dropped in a wet market in China and force fed to a few unsuspecting animals and a couple of drunk shoppers?

CS: Yes

CV: I know not of what you speak....

CS: What makes you so difficult to track and stop?

CV: Donald Trump

CS: Are you here to stay or are you a flash in the pan?

CV; I think I am a flash in the pan that is here to stay but that really is not my call...

CS: Whose call is it?

CV: (Mouthing words no sound)

CS: CV it looks like you are on mute.

CV: Sorry...I'm new to zoom...not a fan...really need people in the same room to properly inf...communicate.

CS: Do you have an opinion on who might be the one who ultimately defeats you?

CV: I think it could be that Darlene lady in Ozark...she is one scary you know what....

CS: Will you indulge us and play some word association?

CV: Sure...

CS: Jared Kushner

CV: Evil, vampire, zombie, that guy you hate in every action movie, assh...

CS: One word CV one word...

CV: Douchebag

CS: Donald Trump

CV: You think I came from a lab?? Sorry...Enabler

CS: Remdesivir

CV: Party Crasher

CS: Mario Cuomo

CV: Formidable

CS: Bill DeBlasio

CV: Comedian

CS: Dr. Fauci

CV: Smart Lil' Focker

CS: Mike Pence

CV: Mannequin

CS: Joe Biden

CV: Never heard of him...

CS: You changed your name from Corona Virus To COVID-19 why?

CV: Did anyone ever ask Prince why he changed his name??

CS: Yes many times...

CV: Fine! COVID is easier to spell than Corona Virus...

CS: Your image is does that make you feel?

CV: I like it but I am getting ready to file a lawsuit against Ohio State University for using my image without permission...

CS: You mean the buckeye logo?

CV: That is really COVID-19!! How else could a "school" be hated by so many?

CS: You used air quotes around school...why?

CV: Really??

CS: You have created an economic mess...any thoughts there?

CV: I'd be long Gold.

CS: Have you been flying at all?

CV: Yes! I have been on many flights...seen a lot of places here and around the world.

CS: Are you honoring social distancing? If so how do you pass the time?

CV: A bit...I get tired too...I have done some binge watching...watched Contagion like fifty times. I am working on a cookbook..."Cooking with The Vid"....catchy title I think...I like catchy things.

CS: Care to share a recipe?

CV: No but suffice to say you'll need some hard to find mammals...

CS: If you are defeated what will you remember most about this time?

CV: That wet gross...and Tiger King....loved that show.

CS: Thanks for joining us and please don't take offense but we hope we never see you again.

CV: None time let's do this in person....

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